Interface SecretResponse

The Extension's response for Secrets.

See: GetSecretValueCommandOutput.

interface SecretResponse {
    ARN?: string;
    CreatedDate: string;
    Name?: string;
    ResultMetadata: Record<never, never>;
    SecretBinary: null | string;
    SecretString: null | string;
    VersionId?: string;
    VersionStages?: string[];


  • Omit<GetSecretValueCommandOutput, "CreatedDate" | "SecretBinary" | "SecretString" | "$metadata">
    • SecretResponse


ARN?: string

The ARN of the secret.

CreatedDate: string
Name?: string

The friendly name of the secret.

ResultMetadata: Record<never, never>

The Extension appears to always return an empty object {}-

SecretBinary: null | string

The Binary Secret value. The Extension returns SecretBinary as a Base64 encoded string.

SecretString: null | string

The String Secrert value.

VersionId?: string

The unique identifier of this version of the secret.

VersionStages?: string[]

A list of all of the staging labels currently attached to this version of the secret.

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